Holy Kiss
Bible verses that the Early Church usually quoted...
Greet one another with a holy kiss. Romans 16:16.
Greet one another with a kiss of love. 1 Peter 5:1 – see also 1 Corinthians 16:20; 2 Corinthians 13:12; and 1 Thessalonians 5:26.
Early Church Quotes:
And, if we see it to be requisite to stand and pray for the sake of the women, and to speak words of exhortation and edification, we call together the brethren and all the holy sisters and maidens, and likewise all the other women who are there, inviting them with all modesty and becoming behaviour to come and feast on the truth. And those among us who are skilled in speaking speak to them, and exhort them in those words which God has given us. And then we pray, and salute one another, the men the men. But the women and the maidens will wrap their hands in their garments; and we also, with circumspection and with all purity, our eyes looking upwards, shall wrap our right hand in our garments; and then they will come and give us the salutation on our right hand wrapped in our garments. Then we go where God permits us.
Clement of Rome (c. 100, E), Two Epistles on Virginity, second epistle, chapter 2
Having ended the prayers, we salute one another with a kiss.
Justin Martyr (c. 160, E), Ante-Nicene Church Fathers – Vol. 1, Page 185.
On behalf of those, then, to whom we apply the names of brothers and sisters (and other designations of relationship), we exercise the greatest care that their bodies should remain undefiled and uncorrupted. For the Logos again says to us, “If anyone kisses a second time because it has given him pleasure, [he sins].” He also adds, “Therefore the kiss or rather the salutation, should be given with the greatest care, since, if there are mixed with it the least defilement of thought, it excludes us from eternal life.”
Athenagoras (c. 175, E), Ante-Nicene Church Fathers – Vol. 2, Page 146.
And if we are called to the kingdom of God, let us walk worthy of the kingdom, loving God and our neighbour. But love is not proved by a kiss, but by kindly feeling. But there are those, that do nothing but make the churches resound with a kiss, not having love itself within. For this very thing, the shameless use of a kiss, which ought to be mystic, occasions foul suspicions and evil reports. The apostle calls the kiss holy. When the kingdom is worthily tested, we dispense the affection of the soul by a chaste and closed mouth, by which chiefly gentle manners are expressed. But there is another unholy kiss, full of poison, counterfeiting sanctity. Do you not know that spiders, merely by touching the mouth, afflict men with pain? And often kisses inject the poison of licentiousness. It is then very manifest to us, that a kiss is not love. For the love meant is the love of God. And this is the love of God, says John, that we keep His commandments; not that we stroke each other on the mouth. And His commandments are not grievous. But salutations of beloved ones in the ways, full as they are of foolish boldness, are characteristic of those who wish to be conspicuous to those without, and have not the least particle of grace. For if it is proper mystically in the closet to pray to God, it will follow that we are also to greet mystically our neighbour, whom we are commanded to love second similarly to God, within doors, redeeming the time.
Clement of Alexandria (c. 195, E), Ante-Nicene Church Fathers – Clement of Alexandria, The Instructor, Book 3, chapter 11, Vol. 2, Page 291.
On the way [to be martyred], the other man asked James to forgive him. And after brief consideration, James said, “Peace be to you,” and kissed him. And so both were beheaded together.
Eusebius, citing Clement of Alexandria (c. 195, E), Ante-Nicene Church Fathers – Vol. 2, Page 579.
Another custom has now become prevalent. Those who are fasting withhold the kiss of peace (which is the seal of prayer) after prayer made with brethren. But when is peace more to be concluded with brethren than when, at the time of some religious observance, our prayer ascends with more acceptability? . . . What prayer is complete if separated from the holy kiss?
Tertullian (c. 198, W), Ante-Nicene Church Fathers – Vol. 3, Page 687.
[What unbelieving husband] will permit her to creep into prison to kiss a martyr’s chains? Will he permit her to meet any of the brethren to exchange the kiss?
Tertullian (c. 205, W), Ante-Nicene Church Fathers – Vol. 4, Page 46.
When he has been made bishop, everyone shall give him the kiss of peace, and salute him respectfully, for he has been made worthy of this.
Hippolytus (c. 215, E), Apostolic Tradition, chapter 4
When the teacher finishes his instruction, the catechumens will pray by themselves, separate from the faithful. The women will also pray in another place in the church, by themselves, whether faithful women or catechumen women. After the catechumens have finished praying, they do not give the kiss of peace, for their kiss is not yet pure. But the faithful shall greet one another with a kiss, men with men, and women with women. Men must not greet women with a kiss.
Hippolytus (c. 215, E), Apostolic Tradition, chapter 18
All of a sudden, Archelaus appeared among them and embraced Diodorus, saluting him with a holy kiss.
Disputation of Archelaus and Manes (c. 320, E), Ante-Nicene Church Fathers – Vol. 6, Page 221.
Then let the men give the men, and the women give the women, the Lord’s kiss. But let no one do it with deceit, as Judas betrayed the Lord with a kiss.
Apostolic Constitutions (compiled c. 390, E), Ante-Nicene Church Fathers – Vol. 7, Page 422.